Developing HRD Professionals and enhancing HRD professionalism

AwardeeThesis TitleGuide
M.G. Jomon (1998) A Study of the Effectiveness of HRD Audit as on OD Intervention Dr. T.V. Rao
Late Dr. Udai Pareek
Salman M Kureishy (1999) Mentoring Processes in Indian Organizations: An Exploratory Study Dr. Satish K. Kalra
Kuldeep Singh (1999) A Study of Relationship between Human Resources (HR) Practices and Performance of Business Organizations Dr. E.G. Parmeswaran
Ginlianlal Buhril (2000) Individual Factors Associated with Career Success and Growth in an Indian Insurance Organization Dr. E.G. Parmeswaran
Srinivasa Rao Kandula (2000) A Study of Relationship between Strategic Responses of Organization and Worker Development System Variables Dr. Jerome Joseph
Ann Anderson (2001) A Study of the Changed Business Environment on Roles and Performance of Bank Officers Dr. Mathew J. Manimala
Ravindra Nath Saxena (2001) A Study of Impact of Sensitivity Training on the Behavior and Performance of Bank Officers Dr. Mathew J. Manimala
Prakash V. Bhide (2001) A Study of Managerial Leadership Styles and Behavioral Preference of Subordinates in Relation to Role Efficacy and HRD Climate Dr. O.B. Sayeed
Alapati Vittaleswar (2002) AMTs and Shop Floor Personnel Motivation Prof. D. Nagabrahmam
Liza Thomas (2001) Gender, Micro-credit and Human Resource Development of Delivery Personnel in the Context of Credit Seeking Rural Poor Women Dr. Jerome Joseph
Madhavi Mehta (2002) A Study of Professional Values, Value Conflict and Coping Mechanisms of HRD Professional Dr. Keith C. D’souza
Chandrima Banerjee (2003) Determinants of Organization and People Related Initiatives in Planning and Executing Strategic Decisions in Indian Organizations Dr. Ranjan Das
Dr. Madhukar Shukla
Mohan Parmeswaran (2003) A Study of Impact of Cultural Variables on Organizational Commitment and Work Commitment amongst Indian Managers: A Cross-Cultural Study amongst Indian and German Managers Dr. O.B. Sayeed
Pallab Bandhopadhyay (2003) Relationship between Career Anchors, Human Resource Practices, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Retention : A Study of IT Professionals Prof. C. Balaji
Uma Sampathy (2003) Relationship between Management Style, Organization Culture and Performance on Council Affiliated (ICSE) Schools in Twin Cities Dr. E.G. Parmeswaran
N. Hariharan Iyer (2004) Measurement of Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Professionals in High Technology Software Organizations Dr. E.S. Srinivas
Anuradha Challu (2004) An Assessment of the Role of HR in the Indian Corporate Sector Dr. Keith C. D’Souza
Soundari V.V. (2004) Identification of Competencies of Software Project Managers in Software Organizations Prof. V. Anand Ram
Roshan Joseph (2004) Factors Influencing Employee Participation in Knowledge Management: A Study in an Indian IT Company Dr. U. Balaji
Prof. C. Balaji
Suneeta Mishra (2005) A Study of the Effects of Information Technology on Alienation at the Workplace Dr. Jerome Joseph
Harismita Trivedi (2006) Role Evolution Process of a Professional HRM Role in Organizations Dr. Jagdeep S. Chhokar
S. Ramachandran (2006) A Study of Personal Values and Impact of Personal-Organizational Value Congruence on Commitment in an Indian PSU Dr. Keith C. D’souza
Archana Arcot (2006) A Study of the Competency Based HR practice in Indian Organizations Dr. S. Pandey
Jacob Thomas (2006) Study of the relationship Betweeen empowering Forces and the Empowering Process Among Women in Managerial position in Business Organization Dr. Jerome Joseph
A. C. Augustine (2007) Antecedents / factors Affecting the Organizational Transformation Fr. Dr. E. Abraham S.J.
Shaily Mitra (2007) Study of Organizational Climate, Role Stress, Learned Helplessness and Interpersonal Needs and Their Impact on Performance of the Indian Banking Industry Dr. D. M. Pestonjee
Saidatt Senapaty (2010) The Relationship Between Occupational and Organizational Commitment of Software Professionals in India: Moderation by HRM Practices Prof. A. Sreekumar
Dr. C.M. Ramesh
Harry Charles Devasagayam (2012) Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of Distributed Teams: A Study of the Mediating Effects of Organizational Justice in Software Organizations Dr. N.M. Agrawal
Dr. V Nagadevara
Dr. K S Gupta
Debaprasad Chattopadhyay (2013) Impact of Self Perceived Spirituality of Leaders at Work and Leaders’ Reputation on Teams’ Spiritual Climate Dr. Ashish Pandey
Rajesh Walawalkar (2015) Company Secretaries' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Mandatory Continuing Professional Education Dr. Samta Jain
Anjan Bhowmick (2015) Examining the Relationship between Organisation Structure and Innovation: A Study of Indian Corporations Dr. Keith C. D’souza
Dr. Upasna A. Agarwal
Prasanjit Dasgupta (2015) A Comprehensive Study on Turnover Intentions, Work Engagement And Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of Nurses of Private Hospitals Dr. Upasna A. Agarwal
Naresh Mehta (2015) Impact of High Performance Work System on Innovation and Firm's Performance Dr. D. M. Pestonjee
Deven Kamdar (2016) Influence of 7S Framework on Team Performance: A study of a Faith Based Organisation Dr. D. M. Pestonjee
Nobina Banerjee (2016) The Essence of Exemplary Leaders: Understanding Passion over the Span of a Career Dr. Rajeshwari Narendran
Sreeram Darbha (2017) The Impact of Religious faith & workplace spirituality on the business sentiments of stock Brokers Dr. N.M Khandelwal
Vishwanath Joshi (2017) Career Establishment Process of Professionals in Indian IT Industry: A Phenomenological Study Dr. Ashutosh Bhupatkar
Mr. Sanjeev Dixit (2018) Impact of Organisational Values Elements & Employee Engagement Outcomes on Business Indicators. Dr. Rajeshwari Narendran
Ravindra Dey (2018) Impact of Personal Values and Emotional Intelligence on Leadership Effectiveness of Gen Y Students in B- Schools Dr. Keith C. D‘souza
Suman Nair (2018) Effect of Promotion and Transfer on Managerial Behaviors, Tested through FIRO B and Locus Of Control Dr. Rajeshwari Narendran
Vasantha Lakshmi (2018) Business Process Outsourcing Requirements in Human Re-source Function of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in India Dr. Ch. S. Durga
Dr. Snigdharani Mishra
Bhanukumar Parmar (2018) Exploring Accelerating Sales Force Performance through Introduction of Sales Incentive Scheme for On-role Employee in Telecom Industry. Dr. Rajeshwari Narendran
Runa Maitra (2022) A Study of Inter- Relationship of Corporate Education to Senior Leadership & its Impact on Employee Commitment Dr. Rajeshwari Narendran
Mr. Amit K Saraswat (2023) Develop a framework to understand IT- Business Strategic alignment Dr. C. Gopalkrishnan
Mr. LS Murthy (2023) Study of Individual Behaviour (Acceptance, Reluctance,Innate Drive) towards Leadership Roles and Influence of Organizational Culture Dynamics & OD interventions: A Study in Select IT Organizations. Dr. Rajeshwari Narendran
Ms. Minakshi Balkrishna (2023) Questioning And Inquiry : A Study On Leaders Dr. Rajeshwari Narendran


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